Lender Hub
Configurable workflow and risk management system for the mortgage valuation market
View productHow well do you really know your borrowers? LoanSafe-FraudMark is a fraud detection and prevention tool, enabling easy identification of suspect mortgage loans and possible collusion. It works by applying predictive, advanced analytics to multiple datasets with patented technology.
The end result is a loan ranking score for each application. The investigative report provides risk indicators of the possible fraud type together with valuable information to support investigators and recommendations of the actions that should be taken. By receiving monthly insight reports and advanced portfolio reporting, risk management becomes more efficient and fraud defences are strengthened.
Identification of risk patterns and clusters of statistically unusual behaviour
Fraud ranking system enables investigators to focus on high risk loans
Used as a standalone tool or integrated into existing fraud screening systems
Application scored from 1-999. 1 indicates little fraud risk, whereas 999 warns of high fraud potential.
Percentage indicators provide insight as to where key aspects of an application sit in relation to other applications.
Helping to manage risk, providing customisable rankings depending on application type, risk appetite and resourcing.
One page report for targeted assessment displaying ranking score and key risk information.
For more information about LoanSafe – FraudMark get in touch with us.
Get in touchConfigurable workflow and risk management system for the mortgage valuation market
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