New PAS Hub software update coming soon

16th November 2022

We have got the perfect solution to convert those seemingly unviable leads into ECO4 jobs, coming soon to PAS Hub customers!

This new RdSAP+ Modelling functionality within PAS Hub is due to go live at the end of this month and we’ll keep you updated accordingly.

The new functionality will allow you to model measures on PAS Hub with a few simple button clicks, without the need to fully understand RdSAP. This will make a huge difference to unlock the potential in properties, that might have otherwise seemed unviable to gain anything from ECO4.

A full overview of the RdSAP+ Modelling functionality will be provided in the coming weeks. We will also be hosting our regular PAS Hub Clinic and Coordinator Question Time to go through your questions and provide live demonstrations.

Watch our preview demo below:

Don’t forget you can also access the ECO4 calculator here

16th November 2022

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